EMF-IncQuery moves out of incubation with Release 1.0.0, with VIATRA 0.7.0 also released

The EMF-IncQuery project is happy to report that with our new release 1.0.0 the project is graduating out of incubation and reaches a new level of maturity. All downloads are available now from the Eclipse.org download servers or the Eclipse Marketplace. Coinciding with this event is the first public release of the new generation of the VIATRA model transformation framework, which is a complete re-write (downloads, Marketplace).

EMF-IncQuery: Query Explorer support for EMF Facet Model Browser

The EMF Facet project provides a convenient editor for EMF models called the EMF Facet Model Browser which is a great replacement for the Sample Reflective Ecore Model Editor.

Live querying over UML models with EMF-IncQuery

Starting with EMF-IncQuery version, it is possible to formulate patterns which query non-trivial structural features of UML models such as qualified name, which didn't work before. Let's see this feature in action through a small example that validates UML models!

EMF-IncQuery 0.9.0 Released

We have released version 0.9.0 of EMF-IncQuery, a release involving a major refactor of our query backend to support non-EMF query scopes, some minor user facing features and fixing a selection of bugs. In addition, the tooling has been updated to use Xtext 2.7. It is recommended for all users of EMF-IncQuery to update to this latest version, which is available both from Eclipse Marketplace and the project download page.

mbeddr meets IncQuery - Combining the Best Features of Two Modeling Worlds - EclipseCon Europe 2014

We are proud to announce that this year’s EclipseCon again had a talk about EMF-IncQuery, this time in the context of an integration project with a different modeling world. During the summer, we have started to work on the MPS-IncQuery project, which aims to bring IncQuery’s powerful features to the world of the Meta Programming System (MPS) from JetBrains. MPS is a powerful language workbench which is designed to ease the development of domain specific and general purpose languages, plus their IDEs. 

EMF-IncQuery 0.8.1 released and EclipseCon plans

We have released version 0.8.1 of EMF-IncQuery, a release fixing a selection of bugs. It is recommended for all users of EMF-IncQuery to update to this latest version. The update is available both from Eclipse Marketplace and the project download page.

EMF-IncQuery 0.8.0 Released

The EMF-IncQuery project is happy to report that our new release with the version 0.8.0 is available now from the Eclipse.org download servers or the Eclipse Marketplace.

A year's worth of research in retrospect

It's the end of the year according to both the calendar, as well as my research grant. I have spent some of this past year doing research on the connection of OCL and graph queries. I have also tried to explain and illustrate my research topic in previous posts of this very blog, and let the readers keep tabs on what I was up to all this time. Let's do a quick recap.

Measuring up

My previous blog post demonstrated my OCL to EMF-IncQuery transformation OCL2IQ in action. Here I am presenting my first performance measurements to investigate whether this solution fulfills the original promise of my research: delivering efficient, incremental query evaluation for a subset of OCL expressions by transforming them to graph patterns of equivalent semantics, and applying EMF-IncQuery on them.

It is alive!

In one of my earlier blog posts, I have outlined the basic ideas and transformation patterns that accomplish a translation of (a subset of) OCL expressions into graph patterns. The theory was illustrated by running examples from the school case study, where the purpose of querying was to find classmates with the same name. The good news is that I have managed creating an experimental implementation of this translation that maps OCL expressions to equivalent graph patterns.

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