July 2012

Presentation at the ECMFA 2012 conference

Representing our research group, Ábel Hegedüs presented the new use case of the EMF-IncQuery incremental model query engine for integrating queries into efficient derived features in EMF at the ECMFA 2012 (European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications) conference, held in Kgs. Lyngby.

Presentation at the ECMFA 2012 conference

Representing our research group, Ábel Hegedüs presented the new use case of the EMF-IncQuery incremental model query engine for integrating queries into efficient derived features in EMF at the ECMFA 2012 (European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications) conference, held in Kgs. Lyngby.

Derived Features by integrating EMF-IncQuery presented at ECMFA 2012

Derived features for EMF can now be defined using advanced model queries in EMF-IncQuery to achieve high performance (through incremental evaluation) and standard EMF integration (proper change notifications). We presented this new use case at the ECMFA 2012 conference, held this year in Kgs. Lyngby.