mbeddr meets IncQuery - Combining the Best Features of Two Modeling Worlds - EclipseCon Europe 2014

We are proud to announce that this year’s EclipseCon again had a talk about EMF-IncQuery, this time in the context of an integration project with a different modeling world. During the summer, we have started to work on the MPS-IncQuery project, which aims to bring IncQuery’s powerful features to the world of the Meta Programming System (MPS) from JetBrains. MPS is a powerful language workbench which is designed to ease the development of domain specific and general purpose languages, plus their IDEs. 

Xcore meets IncQuery: How the new generation of DSLs are made - talk at EclipseCon Europe 2013

The EMF-IncQuery Project is proud to announce our talk at this year's EclipseCon Europe conference titled "Xcore meets IncQuery: How the New Generation of DSLs Are Made".

Have you ever got lost in a complex domain-specific model? Are you familiar with Facebook's Graph Search? Ever wished something like this would be available for your favorite EMF-based tool? It is, it's called EMF-IncQuery. In fact, it can do more than Graph Search, because you can create live queries, meaning you get live updates for your search results as the model is being edited. In the talk, we'll show you some of the most powerful features that this technology can be used for in practice.

See you on 31 October between 14:15 - 14:50 in Seminarräume 1-3!

The technology presented in this talk is the result of a collaboration between Ed Merks, Tamas Szabo (itemis AG) and the EMF-IncQuery team. Read the rest of the blog post below for more information regarding the presentation and the live demos.

Interview with our former student in the german Eclipse Magazine

The german Eclipse Magazin has published an interview with our former student, Donát Csikós, who is now working at CERN. Among a lot of interesting details about his job, he also mentioned our research group and the EMF-IncQuery project. The online version can be found at the following links: german original, english translation by Google.

Interview with our former student in the german Eclipse Magazine

The german Eclipse Magazin has published an interview with our former student, Donát Csikós, who is now working at CERN. Among a lot of interesting details about his job, he also mentioned our research group and the EMF-IncQuery project. The online version can be found at the following links: german original, english translation by Google.

Presentation of EMF-IncQuery at EclipseCon Europe 2012

Representing our research group, Dr. István Ráth has presented the new version of our open source incremental model query framework called EMF-IncQuery at EclipseCon Europe 2012, intended for industrial applications. As an acknowledgement of our work, Ed Merks (the creator of the de-facto industry standard Eclipse Modeling Framework) has lauded EMF-IncQuery as one of the most significant innovations of recent times.

Presentation of EMF-IncQuery at EclipseCon Europe 2012

Representing our research group, Dr. István Ráth has presented the new version of our open source incremental model query framework called EMF-IncQuery at EclipseCon Europe 2012, intended for industrial applications. As an acknowledgement of our work, Ed Merks (the creator of the de-facto industry standard Eclipse Modeling Framework) has lauded EMF-IncQuery as one of the most significant innovations of recent times.

Presentation at EclipseCon Europe 2012

EMF-IncQuery has been featured in a presentation at EclipseCon Europe 2012: Fast, Faster and Super-fast Model Queries by Ed Willink and István Ráth.

Just in time for the conference, EMF-IncQuery version 0.6.7 has been released to the Marketplace.


EMF-IncQuery presentation at the Workshop on Eclipse Open Source Software and OMG Open Specifications (Co-located with EclipseCon 2012)

A talk on High-performance model queries using EMF-IncQuery has been presented by István Ráth at the Third Biannual Workshop on Eclipse Open Source Software and OMG Open Specifications, co-located with EclipseCon 2012 in Reston.

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