Publication Minipages

Incremental Pattern Matching for the Efficient Computation of Transitive Closure


Pattern matching plays a central role in graph transformations as a key technology for computing local contexts in which transformation rules are to be applied.


Model-driven framework for Design Space Exploration

Design space exploration (DSE) aims at searching through various models representing different design candidates to support activities like configuration design of critical systems or automated maintenance of IT systems. In model-driven engineering, DSE is applied to find instance models that are (i) reachable from an initial model with a sequence of transformation rules and (ii) satisfy a set of structural and numerical constraints.

From BPEL to SAL And Back: a Tool Demo on Back-Annotation with VIATRA2

Authors: Ábel Hegedüs, István Ráth, Dániel Varró

In the proposed SEFM Tool demo we proposed the presentation of an end-to-end back-annotation tool including an execution trace metamodel and a technique for replaying a simulation run according to the persisted execution trace model.1

Slicing of Model Transformations

Author: Zoltán Ujhelyi, Ákos Horváth, Dániel Varró

In the proposed ASE11 paper Dynamic Backward Slicing of Model Transformations we proposed a combined static slicing approach for slicing transformation programs and their input models. In this page we list detailed measurements that illustrate the model slicing approach.

Quick fix for DSMLs

    Authors: Ábel Hegedüs, Ákos Horváth, István Ráth, Moisés Castelo Branco and Dániel Varró

This page contains additional information for our paper Quick fix for DSMLs. We include here a simplified BPMN metamodel, the list of inconsistency rules and operations for the BPMN case study used in the paper.

Visualization of Traceability Models

Authors: Ábel Hegedüs, Zoltán Ujhelyi, Ákos Horváth, István Ráth

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