Quick fix for DSMLs

    Authors: Ábel Hegedüs, Ákos Horváth, István Ráth, Moisés Castelo Branco and Dániel Varró

This page contains additional information for our paper Quick fix for DSMLs. We include here a simplified BPMN metamodel, the list of inconsistency rules and operations for the BPMN case study used in the paper.

BPMN metamodel (simplified)

BPMN metamodel

List of inconsistency rules for BPMN


The gateway should have a default gate to ensure that at least one gate will be valid at runtime.
There is no need for a default flow since there are no controlled flows out of the activity.   
This flow is marked as default while there are no other edges going out of the activity. 
The default path will never be executed since there are uncontrolled flows going out of the activity. 
This sequence edge is marked as conditional while there are no other edges going out of the activity. 
Conditional flows should not be preceded by gateways.
End event should not be the start point of a sequence edge.
Start event should not be the end point of a sequence edge.
A message cannot be sent between elements of the same pool.
An intermediate event must not send a message.
A start event must not send a message.
An end event must not receive a message 


List of operations


Create/remove sequence edge 
Change source/target of sequence edge  
Change default attribute of sequence edge 
Change conditional attribute of sequence edge 
Create/remove message edge 
Change source/target of message edge 
Change default attribute of message edge 
Change type of Event (Start, Intermediate, End) 
Change type of Gateway
Change subtype of Event (Link, Message, etc.) 
Create/remove Activity (Task, Gateway)




This work was partially supported by the SecureChange (ICT-FET-231101) and CertiMoT (ERC\_HU\_09) projects and the Janos Bolyai Scholarship.
We would like to thank the Bank of the Northeast of Brazil (Banco do Nordeste – BNB) for providing the case study.