
Release 0.7.0 available

The EMF-IncQuery project is happy to report that our first release with the version 0.7.0 is available now from the Eclipse.org download servers or the Eclipse Marketplace.

The most important highlights of this first release include:

Patterns of translating to patterns (part II)

After the introductory blog posts on the importance of modeling, the concept of model queries (with OCL and EMF-IncQuery) and model evolution, I demonstrated the translation of OCL expressions into graph patterns. Continuing from last time, I present patterns that can be applied to translate OCL expressions to the query language of EMF-IncQuery.

Patterns of translating to patterns

My previous introductory blog posts talked about the importance of modeling, the concept of model queries (with OCL and EMF-IncQuery) and model evolution. Last time, I demonstrated the translation of OCL expressions into graph patterns. Now it is time to discuss how the various OCL constructs can be mapped to graph patterns of EMF-IncQuery.

EMF-IncQuery 0.7M3 published

The EMF-IncQuery project is happy to report that we have reached our third milestone, with a special focus on finalizing the API in preparation for the 0.7.0 release in the summer. Important note: please read the migration guide to ensure a smooth upgrade path for existing EMF-IncQuery projects.

Program Query Evaluation

Authors: Zoltán Ujhelyi, Ákos Horváth, Dániel Varró, Norbert István Csiszár, Gábor Szőke, László Vidács, Rudolf Ferenc

In the CSMR-WCRE 2014 paper "Anti-pattern Detection with Model Queries: A Comparison of Approaches" we compare three different approaches for evaluating program queries. This page details all measurements done for the paper.



The relation between OCL and graph patterns (pun intended)

My previous introductory blog posts talked about the importance of modeling, the concept of model queries (with OCL and EMF-IncQuery) and model evolution. Now it is time to give a glimpse into my research: translating OCL expressions to graph patterns, so that incremental evaluation techniques (see EMF-IncQuery) developed for graph patterns can be applied to queries formulated in OCL.

Change or die: model queries on evolving models

...the only constant

Modeling and model queries were discussed in my previous blog posts. Now it is time to turn our attentions towards a great challenge: that of evolving models.

EMF-IncQuery presentation for Itemis

EMF-IncQuery has been presented to Itemis developers by Tamás Szabó, our former student and freshly enrolled software engineer for Itemis in Stuttgart. The slides are available on SlideShare, and the example projects can be downloaded from GitHub.

Validation of Derived Features and Well-Formedness Constraints in DSLs

This page is created as to supplement the proposed paper Validation of Derived Features and Well-Formedness Constraints in DSLs by mapping graph queries to an SMT-solver by Oszkár Semeráth, Ákos Horváth and Dániel Varró


EMF-IncQuery 0.7M2 published

We have reached our second milestone, with a special focus on stability and bug fixes. We recommend to update your EMF-IncQuery installation from the Marketplace, or using the update sites.

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