
The relation between OCL and graph patterns (pun intended)

My previous introductory blog posts talked about the importance of modeling, the concept of model queries (with OCL and EMF-IncQuery) and model evolution. Now it is time to give a glimpse into my research: translating OCL expressions to graph patterns, so that incremental evaluation techniques (see EMF-IncQuery) developed for graph patterns can be applied to queries formulated in OCL.

Change or die: model queries on evolving models

...the only constant

Modeling and model queries were discussed in my previous blog posts. Now it is time to turn our attentions towards a great challenge: that of evolving models.

A primer to model queries

Models are not black holes

The principle of model-driven engineering (MDE) was discussed in my previous blog post. When one reads about MDE, there is a lot of talk about creating models, as if all the engineers ever do was creating models using shiny diagram editors; like "the focus of the engineering approach is to build models of the system under design, first on a high level of abstraction, then gradually approaching platform-specific design decisions", and so on. One could even start to believe that models are some kind of information theory black hole: information is only put in, but never comes out. Well, this is not the case.

Modeling... why bother?

Modeling in software engineering... why bother?

When I first heard about modeling in software engineering, I was quite skeptical. After all, why bother to create models first, when one can jump right into coding the software?

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