
EMF IncQuery Query-based Structural Features Documentation

EMF-IncQuery supports the definition of efficient, incrementally maintained, well-behaving derived features in EMF by using advanced model queries and incremental evaluation for calculating the value of derived features and providing automated code generation for integrating into existing applications.

EMF-IncQuery Validation Framework Documentation

Validation framework overview

EMF-IncQuery provides facilities to create validation rules based on the pattern language of the framework.
These rules can be evaluated on various EMF instance models and upon violations of constraints, markers are automatically created in the Eclipse Problems View.

Example use case

The following scenario describes and illustrates the way to use the framework for validation purposes (see also the BPMN example):

Defining Model Queries using EMF-IncQuery

Outdated content

The contents of this page have been superseded by the following page on the Eclipse Wiki:









EMF-IncQuery Pattern Matcher API Documentation

Outdated content

The contents of this page have been superseded by the following page on the Eclipse Wiki:

EMF-IncQuery Base Documentation

About IncQuery Base

EMF-IncQuery Base aims to provide several useful (some would even argue critical) features for querying EMF models:

EMF IncQuery Databinding Documentation

Outdated content

The contents of this page have been superseded by the following page on the Eclipse Wiki: 

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