
EMF-IncQuery advanced issues (v. 0.4)

This page is relevant for EMF-IncQuery version 0.4 and before! For the current version, go here!

FAQ (v. 0.4)

Q: What does EMF-IncQuery call the 'name' of a graph pattern?

It is actually the fully qualified name, which is the fully qualified name of the containing machine, a separator dot, and the simple name in the pattern (the one you define it with after the pattern keyword). The fully qualified name of the machine, in turn, is the simple name of the machine, prefixed by the machine namespace (if any).

EMF-IncQuery Query Language 0.4

This page is relevant for EMF-IncQuery version 0.4 and before! For the current version, go here!

Language concepts

EMF-IncQuery 0.4


This page is relevant for EMF-IncQuery version 0.4 and before! For the current version, go here!

What is EMF-IncQuery?

EMF-IncQuery is a framework for defining declarative queries over EMF models, and executing them efficiently without manual coding.

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