Getting Started
The content of this page is deprecated, use the following sites instead:
JDK 6 (JDK7 will also work)
Eclipse Modeling 3.7.2 or newer (we regularly test and develop with Eclipse 4.2 Juno)
Xtext SDK 2.3, Xtend SDK 2.3
Some tips for the installation:
Uncheck "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" to ensure reasonable performance during the installation process
If you have some other Eclipse Indigo installation, make sure to uninstall older versions of Xtext, Xtend and MWE2 before installing Xtext and Xtend 2.3
Only check Xtext SDK and Xtend SDK features, the rest will be added automatically
It is best to use a fresh, new workspace for experimentation
Update site for EMF-IncQuery:
EMF-IncQuery is available from - see
Creating your first query
The built-in cheat sheet should help you with the first steps. We also maintain a web-based tutorial here. Additionally, you can check the School and BPMN introductory walkthrough examples to help you get started.
You can find a list of more complex examples here.
Next steps
A few pointers to move on from here: