EMF-IncQuery provides facilities to create validation rules based on the pattern language of the framework.
These rules can be evaluated on various EMF instance models and upon violations of constraints, markers are automatically created in the Eclipse Problems View.
The following scenario describes and illustrates the way to use the framework for validation purposes (see also the BPMN example):
The @Constraint annotation can be used to mark an eiq pattern as a validation rule. If the framework finds at least one pattern with such annotation, an additional .validation project will be generated. This project will be used by the validation framework later in your runtime Eclipse configuration.
Annotation parameters:
The generated .validation project will create a subclass of org.eclipse.viatra2.emf.incquery.validation.runtime.Constraint for each one of the patterns annotated with @Constraint.
The validation framework collects all of the Constraints that applies to the constraint extension point schema (defined under org.eclipse.viatra2.emf.incquery.validation.runtime/schema/constraint.exsd). These constraints are initialized on the loaded instance models and upon constraint violation an appropriate error marker is placed in the runtime Eclipse's Problems View.
First for each collected constraint and instance model a ConstraintAdapter is created which will maintain the match set of the pattern (annotated with @Constraint); these matches are constraint violations, that the user needs to be informed about. For each match of the pattern a ConstraintViolation is instantiated, which is responsible for marker creation/update/deletion.
The ConstraintViolation class uses data binding facilities to register the appropriate callback methods on the location objects of the Constraint, this will result in marker text update when an attribute of some location object is modified.